Products > CHARLESWATER > Statfree UC

Statfree UC™ - Dissipative Dual Layer Ultra Clean Rubber

  • Developed for cleanrooms; minimal outgassing
    This product was tested by a hi-tech manufacturer who approved it for Class 100 Clean Room use. The FTIR testing produced no detectable levels of Silicone or DOP.
  • Rp: 10E6 - 10E8 (Blue top Layer) and <10E6 (Black bottom layer) Ohms
    Slows charge removal; meets the minimum recommended worksurface requirement of IEC 61340-5-1
  • Proprietary product
  • Lead-free RoHS compliant
  • Made in America
    Superior quality

How to order:

Part Number Description
80105 ROLL, STATFREE UC, 2 LAYER, SKY BLUE, 2MM x 0.76M x 12.2M
80106 ROLL, STATFREE UC, 2 LAYER, SKY BLUE, 6MM x 0.61M x 9.1M
80107 ROLL, STATFREE UC, 2 LAYER, SKY BLUE, 6MM x 0.76M x 9.1M
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